Catalunya Ràdio - Section "Mirades transVersals" in the programme "Perspectiva"
28 de December de 2023Publications
Miquel Àngel Julià Hierro, Director of Design and Marketing at Grup Idea collaborates in the programme "Perspectiva" of Catalunya Ràdio, the Catalan…
8 keys to compete successfully in the Retail of the Future
Retail Future, the annual trade fair on digitalisation and trends in the retail industry, held its 6th edition this October at the Caixa Forum…
Artificial Intelligence under debate: how will it influence design and architecture?
How will Artificial Intelligence influence the world of education and how will it change the architecture, design and construction of spaces? On 17…
30 years of experience in retail design and implementation services
For 30 years, the partners who later founded Grup Idea and Abessis have been working for brands. They started out in what we now call corporate…
EXPANSIÓN - Articles on financial architecture
27 de September de 2023Publications
Grup Idea has collaborated with Expansión magazine in the series of articles on financial architecture published in digital and paper format in July…
BOTIGA TESTER - The Tester shop and the spiral of innovation
12 de July de 2023Publications
Miquel Àngel Julià Hierro, design and marketing director at Grup Idea, has participated as a collaborator in the book 'Botiga Tester', an initiative…
Team Building GRUP IDEA ABESSIS in Delta del Ebro!
Team Building GRUP IDEA ABESSIS in Delta del Ebro!On 25 and 26 May, the Grup Idea and Abessis teams travelled to Delta del Ebro, halfway between the…
IARQCO - Architecture, construction and interior design at the leading retail fair EuroShop 2023
We publish in the IARQCO magazine the chronicle after our visit to the EuroShop retail fair, the reflections on the current situation of the sector…
Warm welcome to Grup Idea & Abessis at the leading retail trade fair EuroShop
The 21st edition of EuroShop 2023, the leading retail trade fair, came to an end on 2 March with a successful turnout of more than 81,000 visitors…