

The new Qbox collection created by Envatech in which the strategy and design department of Grup Idea collaborated, is born from the concept of a cube; autonomous and independent.

It has its own ceiling, lighting and air renewal system. It was conceived as a compartmentalisation system, but at the same time different from the usual types of partitions. Its versatility means that, regardless of the environment in which it is to be installed, the cube itself configures a workspace that offers total privacy.

Each Qbox is understood as a small architecture turned into a product, a delimited and autonomous space with the possibility of being configured according to the needs of each project.

Merchandising Cairo

Merchandising Support Cairo

Cairo is a support element for posters, brochures, objects... and anything else that can be incorporated.

Its design allows it to complement any type of retail, franchise or financial installation.

The finishes are focused on a structure with powder paint white, black and gray Ral 9006, with ribbons in a wide range of colors.

The material of the frame is metallic so it is neither combustible nor causes toxic fumes. In addition, the materials used are easily segregated for subsequent recycling and incorporate a high percentage of recycled material. The design of the product presupposes a long life cycle.

Grup Idea participates to the conformity label elaboration “Safe and Healthy Building”, created by SMDOS.

The presentation of the conformity label “Safe and Healthy Building” will take place the next June 20th, at 12.15 pm; at the Legal Technique School headquarter (C/ Villanueva, 13. 28001 Madrid). In the same time, the distribution of the first’s conformity labels in Spain will be made, according to the security and health national standards in reference to the user’s welfare.

The aim of this certification is to “promote and notice the good practices in the real estate exploitation”, deal with the occupant’s security, health and welfare, from an analysis based on more than 10 risk families and regarding 200 control items.


GRUP IDEA, DEKRA y SMDOS se unen para ofrecer a las grandes empresas auditorías energéticas para el cumplimiento del RD 56/2016

AUDITORÍAS ENERGÉTICAS: Obligación de cumplimiento del nuevo RD 56/2016 antes del 14 de Noviembre de 2016

El RD 56/2016 de 12 de febrero obliga a las grandes empresas a auditar su consumo energético, tratando de alcanzar los objetivos marcados en eficiencia y sostenibilidad que Europa plantea para el 2020.

Es de obligado cumplimiento para las “grandes empresas” con alguno de estos requisitos:
• más de 250 trabajadores
• tener un volumen de negocio que exceda de 50 millones de euros y un balance general de más de 43 millones de euros

Para ello será necesario realizar una auditoria energética mínima del 85% total del consumo. Están obligadas a su realización cada cuatro años a partir de la fecha de la anterior auditoría.
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Emotion and functionality in a hall redesigned for new usages. The reform of the ground floor lobby of the Aparthotel Silver, located in the Gracia district of Barcelona, has been the work of the Nuklee studio and has had the principal objective of redefining the concept of key tools has been the processing of light and the design of the spaces that has translated into a functional lighting that seeks to transmit emotions.

Aparthotel Silver. 
Project: Grup Idea. www.grupidea.com.
Photographer: Starp Estudi. www.starpestudi.com.


ICANDELA - PARLARÉ EN CLASSE (I'll talk in class!)

Designing an exhibition: Light as a metaphor

"Parlaré en classe! (I'll talk in class!) is an exhibition at the Palau Robert in Barcelona, which has had Ricard Lobo and Piti Español as curators in a space whose purpose has been to show and give value to the contents on display. For this reason, Erco's lighting project has mainly been at the service of the script of the exhibition assembly. Made by Piti Español as if it were a film script, it is the starting point for the design of the interior and exterior space made by Nukee.

Parlaré en classe ! Parlaré en classe ! 
Project: Grup Idea. www.grupidea.com.
Photographer: Starp Estudi. www.starpestudi.com.

GRUP IDEA integrates the design template BIM in all its projects to optimize the architecture and engineering design and also the construction design for all its orders.

BIM, Building Information Modeling is a technology that can generate and manage the information of a building during its life cycle; this marks the beginning of a new era for the architecture, engineering and construction professionals. This information has been created from a series of informatics programs that allows designing the building in a three-dimensional manner with the data in a parametric manner. All the elements allow having all the plans and all the measures in an automated and reliable way without further efforts.Read more

Silla Kimmi collection

KIMMI Collection

Kimmi is the name of this collection of chairs and coffee tables created by the industrial designer Roger Vancells in collaboration with the strategy and design department of Grup Idea, which is born from the revision and the will to reinterpret, from a contemporary point of view, chairs such as those of Alvar Aalto or the Eames. This type of chair, which arose from the search for new languages with moulded plywood, has gained in validity and meaning over the years.

The kimmi chair protects the body in a natural, flexible and comfortable way; its design aims to take advantage of the qualities of the material to achieve an optimum relationship between body and chair, enhancing its elasticity by means of a constructive solution that allows back and seat to be joined together.

A chair to talk, to listen, to get together, to eat, to work... With a synthetic design, of soft line and essential in the gestures. Kimmi is accompanied by four types of structure, which allow adaptation to different contexts.

The collection was created with the aim of promoting a concept of polyvalence and versatility, so that it can be played with in different interior spaces and placed in correct coexistence in different situations.

The chromatic selection is in line with the expressive character and extrovert tone that has been applied to the collection. A palette of vivid, saturated colours that enhance contrasts by relating them to the softer, paler and more nuanced natural wood finishes.


Organized by Retail Design Institute Spain on 6th July in Estrella Damm Former Factory in Barcelona.

This event was held under the Congress of Architecture 2016, which take place from June to November 2016 in Barcelona.

Speakers: María Callís, Alpenstock. Retail strategy – Lisardo Mendo,ODOS. Visual Merchandising- Cristina Carvajal, Milimetric. Arquitectura del espacio – Màrius Sala, KNOCK. Branding, - Miquel Àngel Julià, Nuklee. Core design for brands, La caja escénica, - Núria Torrents, Microlights. Lighting retail, -  Albert López, Somfy, Light change management, - Ignasi Morató, Commercial Interior Designer, Réplica - Juan Luís de Madariaga, BIM Manager, Cross-information Management-  Mercé Clavel, Gic Retail .- Conclution,  Artur Bossy, Case Study.

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Grup Idea celebrates its 20th anniversary!

On 28 May 1996 we established in Barcelona the first company of professional architectural and engineering services. During the following years we have continued expanding by the foundation of the other companies of Grup Idea in Spain, France, Mexico and recently in UK. On the occasion of our 20th anniversary the whole team of Barcelona celebrated this event and received congratulations from the international branches offices.