GrupIdea attended the Living Building Challenge Workshop

Living Building Challenge Collaborative Spain organized last Wednesday October 17th the event “What does good look like?

Grup Idea, represented by Miquel Ángel Juliá, attended the Living Building Challenge Workshop by @Living_Future last Wednesday 17th. This event basically consisted of promoting a positive vision of our future. Furthermore, it served as a framework to guide regenerative design, exploring in depth the main aspects of restorative design through a series of workshops focusing on biophilia, energy, water and materials.

In the construction industry many obstacles can be encountered in trying to translate this positive vision into reality.

The workshops sought to motivate the beginning of each future project by focusing it to be socially just, ecologically restorative and culturally rich.

Four workshops were held;

The first was based on how to create truly biophilic and regenerative buildings and communities.

The second workshop focused on how to become a zero energy leader, providing an in-depth understanding of Net Positive Energy Petal’s LBC requirements, Zero Energy Building Certification (ZEB) and Zero Carbon Certification.

The other two workshops focused on Water, Materials and the Declare label; a tool designed to help architects research and identify appropriate and safe materials in a tight timeline and budget.

Following the line, the vision proposed by ILFI through the “Living Building Challenge” wants to be a guide that motivates, at least, to make a genuine effort to overcome the obstacles encountered along the way.
Instead of simply complying with the CTE or accepting limitations imposed by a budget, we can inform owners, legislators and others about the consequences of our designs and the positive impact ILFI’s vision can generate.

There are currently more than 500 projects in the world that have been certified by IFLI, in many cases in countries where the regulations are stricter than here in Spain. These projects show that it is possible to build in another way. So let’s keep working towards a built environment that is regenerative.
